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NAB New York: Advanced Streaming and FAST Revenue Strategies for Local TV

广播公司如何超越过时的方法,在FAST和AVOD频道上提供新的盈利机会? 除了计划性之外,收入机会在哪里以及如何实现? Which vendors are interacting with marketers on streaming the most successfully, and why are they doing so? Leading industry professionals from NBCUniversal Local, CBS新闻, 斯克里普斯, and The Weather Company debated these topics on a panel at NAB New York.

NAB New York: How Tubi Is Surging in the Streaming Wars

Tubi, the free streaming service owned by Fox, flew under the radar for years, but now the industry has taken note of its surging popularity. 在NAB纽约, 彼得·卡夫卡, Business Insider's chief correspondent about the TV/streaming landscape, 与Tubi首席执行官Anjali Sud就电视/流媒体领域以及她的公司如何改变人们的观看方式进行了交谈.

conatix和JW Player合并,创建业界最大的视频技术和货币化平台

先进的产品为广播公司带来了无与伦比的货币化和跨CTV和OLV流媒体功能, 出版商, 和广告客户

To Cloud, or Not to Cloud? A 在线直播 生产商's Dilemma

Maybe we've been looking at "the cloud" all wrong. 它并不一定是一些第三方的地方,我们把我们所有的直播制作元素. 让我们开始把我们面前的生产空间视为“云”,看看它会带来什么机会. 你觉得呢??


Bango和Samsung Ads的最新报告显示,不仅订阅流失问题持续存在, but streaming app loyalty is also becoming alarmingly scarce, 订阅者也越来越不清楚他们每个月在订阅上花了多少钱.

IAS Fights YouTube Mis信息 With Expanded Detection Offering

During this tumultuous election year, as concerns mount over online mis信息, Integral Ad Science (IAS), a leading global 媒体 measurement and optimization platform, 扩大了与行业一致的错误信息适用性和品牌安全报告,以供在YouTube广告目录中开展活动的广告商使用.


In a recent interview with 流媒体's Jan Ozer, Cinelytic首席执行官Tobias Queisser讨论了该公司的同名平台如何为媒体专业人士提供一个简化的机制,以便在电影开始制作之前评估电影的潜在成功, and provides actionable insights into casting, 预算优化, and distribution strategies.

Fandom Study Finds 80% of Consumers Rank TV, Movies & Video Games Higher Than Music & Sports as Leisure Time Activities

In an increasingly busy world, 比起音乐等其他兴趣,消费者更喜欢娱乐和游戏, 食物和烹饪, 体育, 和旅行. A new study from Fandom, 个人时间的力量, 通过三个关键因素探究了这一趋势背后的原因——主导激情点, 情绪的影响, 和参与度——同时也强调了这些见解对品牌和营销人员的意义.

IBC 2024流媒体文摘- AI, 5G,直播体育,货币化,内容管理等

ICYMI: here is a complete collection of 流媒体's IBC 2024 coverage. 与参展商, 演讲者, and visitors from more than 170 nations, this year's event was an in-depth cornucopia of all the latest streaming, 广播, 媒体, and entertainment hot topics, 包括人工智能, 5G, 现场直播的体育, 内容创作, 还有更多.

IBC 2024: Four Things You (Might Have) Missed at IBC

New innovations in server-guided ad insertion, NRCS-based news program production management, cost and carbon emission reductions for AI workflows, AI-based cloud storage and 媒体 asset management and more at IBC 2024.

2024 Live-Streaming Technology Trends Brief Launches

Hot on the heels of one of the industry's premier live-broadcast events, IBC, comes the annual Live-Streaming Technology Trends brief. 该报告涵盖了直播专业人士感兴趣的各种主题, including the popularity of audio and video codecs, trends in acquisition and delivery protocols, 以及跨多个行业的流媒体专业人士面临的业务挑战.

IBC 2024: AI’s Greatest Power in Media is to Make it Seem Normal

It was hard to keep AI out of the headlines at IBC Show 2024, 不是因为在新闻或产品方面有什么突破性的东西,而是因为这项技术现在是每个媒体技术对话的重要组成部分.

IBC 2024: Pivot to Streaming Paying Off, Says Paramount Global CTO Wiser

派拉蒙全球(Paramount Global)正处于困境,即将被出售,但它的未来是光明的,因为它正在成功地将系统从生产转移到云计算中的分销, according to the company's Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer, 菲尔明智.


来自Keynes Digital的CTV广告表现数据显示,随着Netflix进军体育直播领域,收视率指标显著提升, such as the Christmas NFL games and WWE Raw. 凯恩斯首席执行官丹·拉克曼与流媒体的泰勒·内斯勒一起详细介绍了这些数据的主要发现和见解.

IBC 2024: The Future of Content Viewing

流媒体领域的女性在IBC 2024上就“内容观看的未来”进行了精彩的专题讨论,并以一些惊人的数据拉开了序幕, courtesy of Omdia Senior 研究 Director Maria Rua Aguete. 以M开头 & 电子商务市场的总收入有望在2024年突破1万亿美元,其中61%来自广告, "everyone knows you can't make money just from subs anymore."

IBC 2024: Capturing Customers in a Crowded Streaming Marketplace

我在IBC 2024上看到的大部分内容都集中在各种新的和近乎新的战略上,这些战略旨在解决ibm最古老的问题之一&E和OTT世界:在一场持续而拥挤的争夺眼球的战斗中,抓住并留住客户的注意力.

IBC 2024: 5G and Live Sports Contribution

许多人在体育博彩领域提出了5g的理由, 并哀叹该领域的增长不如预期的爆炸性,因为5G失去了展示其实力的机会. While 5G and prop bets remain a well-matched pair, 在IBC2024上,大部分关于5F的讨论都是关于5G如何使体育直播主播能够进行云制作,从而带来多个提要,并提供更动态、更吸引人的流媒体和快速转弯的精彩片段.

IBC 2024: Gracenote展示新的手表提示数据集,推动观众收听和参与

Leveraging AI and human editorial expertise, Watch Prompts complements Gracenote Video Descriptors to deliver facts, 人才招, and content comparisons.

IABM警告说,IBC 2024:媒体供应商为了收入和效率而牺牲培训和互操作

在IBC2024, IABM已经警告媒体技术供应商,他们不能继续以他们一贯的方式做生意. 更重要的是, they are prioritizing investments in products that generate revenue, 灵活性, and efficiency at the expense of training and interoperability.